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Stikins Name Labels 
Stikins are name labels that simply stick and stay in. These labels make it quick and simple to label your children's school uniform, shoes and bags, and personal items such as lunch boxes, water bottles, and toys, to help make sure they don't get mixed up or misplaced.
My Kidz Got Style 
An upscale infant and children's store and boutique, we specialize in designer, trendy, and chic products. We have a huge selection of upscale clothing, furniture, toys, games, gifts, and accessories.

classroom supplies 
Offering classroom decorations, games, teaching tools and more, TAPS is the number one resource for teachers looking for classroom supplies. Shop our large selection of educational items today.
day care Brampton  
We provide respectable day care centres with a fun atmosphere for kids to learn and play. Rise & Shine Kids- 255 Queen St E, Brampton, ON L6W 2B8 (905) 799-0782 ‎
When I Was a Kid 
When I Was a Kid sells traditional toys, wooden toys and gifts and a wonderful range of party bag fillers. Emphasis is made in sourcing traditional toys that are not available on the high street. Enjoy...
Fisher-Price Toys 
Find toys plus an age-by-age pareting guide, playtime ideas, advice from experts and moms, free e-cards, crafts for kids and fun online games.

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